Medicare Part C and D Data Validation

CMS Part C and D Data Validation

Advent has conducted Medicare Part C and D audits since 2011, the first year that audited data was required and exceeds the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) data validation contractor standards. We perform over 35% of all Medicare Part C and D data validation audits nationally

Reflecting the Highest Level of Data Validation Experience

As a CMS-recognized audit organization with over 25 years of Medicare data validation experience, Advent has the credentials, qualifications, and resources to help your organization fulfill the Medicare Part C and D reporting requirements. Our cross-functional team of client managers, programmers and data analysis experts provides independent Medicare data validation reviews for both new and experienced Medicare plans throughout the country. Our clients include Medicare Advantage Organizations, Special Needs Plans, Prescription Drug Plans, Employer Group Part D Plans, and Medicare-Medicaid Plans and range from small independent plans to large, national organizations with membership in the tens of millions.

Advent’s data-driven data validation program focuses on simplifying complex CMS reporting and audit processes to reduce your audit burden and includes an emphasis on the measures which are part of the Medicare Star Rating program.

With our flexible, transparent and client-focused approach and an emphasis on improving results, Advent is able to meet your data validation needs.

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