Electronic Clinical Data Validation

Electronic Clinical Data Validation (ECDV)

Advent Advisory Group is a recognized leader in helping healthcare organizations prepare for the digital reporting evolution. Advent’s ECDV suite of services offers comprehensive options to review clinical data files in preparation for HEDIS® reporting by assessing the validity and accuracy as well as potential impact on HEDIS reporting.  This critical service occurs before organizations load clinical data into the HEDIS repository or warehouse, which ensures that no data will need to be backed out due to issues with auditor supplemental data validation 

Electronic Clinical Data Validation

Can You Trust Your Clinical Data?  Consider pre-load data validation to avoid costly issues down the road!

Electronic clinical data are used across countless vital functions by health care organizations. The quality and accuracy of electronic data are essential for an organization’s success in delivering health care, sharing clinical data, and reporting quality metrics to stakeholders. In the current state of our health care delivery system, health plans, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), and Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) have become gatekeepers of electronic clinical data, taking on the necessary and critical role of assessing data received from providers and facilities for quality prior to ingesting it into their systems.

Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems contain an abundance of clinical data; however the structure, configuration, and export formats vary widely across provider groups. Additionally, providers have little control over the functions of the EHR to support seamless data sharing. As a result, organizations receiving EHR data spend their limited resources ensuring the data are valid and will meet their needs.

Clinical data are costly and require significant resources to integrate data into a reporting process. Organizations need to know the quality and potential impact of new sources before loading data into their warehouses. Removing inaccurate data from its warehouse is something no organization wants to do.

Advent’s ECDV services help healthcare organizations make informed decisions regarding the quality and usefulness of new clinical data sets before data are integrated for reporting. Our comprehensive suite of services includes options for data file and measure impact analysis, data aggregation and handling review, and point of service validation (primary source verification/PSV); all with comprehensive and personalized feedback. These processes help assess the accuracy and impact of data for use in critical HEDIS measures and give the organization confidence that data quality is asserted before being used for reporting. Projects can also be tailored to suit ancillary uses for clinical data in support of additional internal programs to promote better health outcomes in your enrolled population. Organizations large and small can benefit from ECDV to ensure the data meet compliance audit standards and will actually contribute to desired metrics.

For more information on Advent’s ECDV services, please fill out a form on our website or contact us at

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